Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Arcata, California, my town. Do we deserve a "rails to trails" six mile bike path to Eureka?


With a supervisory election coming up, Humboldt County's "The North Coast Journal" interviewed all the candidates. To the straightforward question, "what's your strategy on "trails?" they got bloated, equivocal answers like this from Estelle Fennel:

"I would propose the formation of a blue ribbon commission to research and review...possible installation of trails."

Or this from John Vevoda:

"Trails are an essential element of tourism in this county and should highlight our magnificent scenery as we develop this county into a destination for tourism...Our port and rails would also be imperative to national security."

Or this from Brian Plumley:

"We should not pursue a narrow strategy that could either potentially delay a project due to unrealistic assumptions regarding the potential of a particular alternative or make long-term sacrifices in terms of rail development."

I'm not making this up...

So, what's it going to be folks--ten more years of "blue ribbon studies," ten more years of gasbag politicians, or...

ONE candidate not only answered the trails question but used the word "BICYCLE."

"I strongly support the creation of a regional bicycle and pedestrian trail system that connects Arcata and Eureka."

That got MARK LOVELACE a spot on The Social Biking Blog and—soon—a sign in my front yard. More to come on the Lovelace candidacy.


  1. Mark is adamant about the trail. He's the only candidate in the 3rd District (where most of the Eureka-Arcata trail would be located) to understand the wide public support behind the trail. He will represent that support on the board of supervisors.

  2. I'm counting on that, Heraldo. In Holland, you'd see half a dozen bike trails between "twin" cities like Arcata and Eureka. They pay taxes and get bike paths and healthcare. We get aircraft carriers...

  3. If I could vote, Mr Lovelace would get it.


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