Sunday, November 14, 2010

Roger's Market on the Hammond Trail

On the Hammond trail less than a mile north of the Mad River, you will see Roger's on the West side of the road. If you are rushing through Humboldt County on a bike tour and don't have time to stop in Arcata (!) this would be a good place to pull in for basic supplies, a hot or cold drink and some quality time on the internet (bring your own laptop or phone). Roger's is run by Carol, a kindly and capable woman. So who is Roger? I asked the clerk at the register and discovered that, "Roger was a guy who was here a long time ago."

Carol of Rogers

Roger's features a hand painted mural on the East wall, facing the Hammond Trail. Note the bike, cow and ocean, which are nearby features. The parking lot is large enough for a whole tour full of bikes, making this a good rendezvous spot.

Inside, Roger's has a few aisles of groceries and a mini cafe with a few table near the window.

Should you cycle down from Alaska to hang out at Roger's? Only you can answer this question. If you did, you could enjoy a lunch and perhaps a Monopoly game. Nobody would ask "are you still working on that sandwich?"

Carol of Roger's features local delicacies, such as these lovely hand picked mushrooms.

New at Rogers--and perhaps one of its most outstanding features--huge, all-organic, handmade sandwiches which Carol makes daily. Having raised five kids, this woman knows how to make a sandwich.

You could ride halfway across Oregon after a sandwich like this.

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