Monday, October 27, 2008

San Francisco Trip

These guys sailed across the Pacific Ocean in an antique Junk, to prove it could have been done by the Chinese before Columbus. Hugh (red shirt--with two visitors in background) says they're going back to China and other places in the same Junk at the end of the month. Meanwhile, you can visit them at the end of the Hyde Street Pier in North Beach. Note: during storms you hook yourself to a steel cable that runs along the edge of the Junk's deck. That way, if by chance you are swept overboard...

(Layout alert: due to circumstances way, way beyond my control, the text that follows won't line up under the corresponding photos. Cecil Taylor is not on the Junk, nor is my son (thank God). You'll figure it out.)





I saw/experienced Cecil Taylor, now 79 and undiminished, in a transcendent solo concert at Grace Cathedral. Those who bemoan the passing of The Giants of jazz, need to drop everything and seek out this man. He has no disciples, no imitators.

Just go...DSC04342.jpg

Finally, I got to the bike ride: 25 miles through the hills above Stanford with my son, shown here on his new Canondale. It's the first time we've ridden together since he was a kid. More to come...definitely.


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