Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why music doesn't work on a bicycle

The bicycle lives in the world quite apart from architecture. It requires more of your attention than a car or airplane, so multi-tasking (with, say, an iPod) can easily become a costly mistake.

I enjoyed David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries, a windy treatise on city cycling. It takes Byrne a bike ride or two to focus his busy mind, but when he does he sometimes comes up with truly refreshing perspectives. Like so many of us he works on a problem, goes for a bike ride...and comes up with a solution. Proving? That cycling does indeed clear the mind.

A tip of the helmet to David Hodge for the video link.


  1. i like this video for its historical perspective on music... however, i don't see the correlation with music and biking, necessarily... in-fact , in my mind it makes the opposite case... For example, there are many types of music and many different places to ride. Can't some types of music fit in to certain scenes on a bike? Certainly on my bike they do... i know there are diametrically opposed camps on this issue and i find myself siting on the fence between the two. i find myself riding "I-pod style" about 50% of the time... but i do enjoy rides "au natural" as well... they are just different...
    good post, Gordon...

  2. Mind you, Byrne rides mostly in dense metropolitan areas where you would want to have unencumbered ears.

    I think you'd enjoy his book, Marc.


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