Friday, June 20, 2008

The 2 mile bike ride: How to do it

Leave your spandex and clip-in's at home. Wear regular clothes, pick a bike that fits and go. Since it's only two miles, you'll be there in about ten to fifteen minutes, less if you ride faster. But why rush it? Bring a lock for the bike so you can do things when you arrive. This is a small, good thing that you can do now.

My wife and I did one of these 2 milers today, riding from our place to the Arcata Plaza (see photo below). We had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and talked with some friends. Then we picked up a few groceries and rode home.

Nothing earth shaking happened, no records were broken. But if everyone did these rides we would all be smiling a lot more and feeling good. A couple people at the restaurant treated us like heros for actually GOING somewhere on a bike. Sad, you say, but It's the two mile bike rides that could change everything. Try one today.

Addendum: As several alert & local emailers pointed out, it's 2 miles EACH WAY from our home to the plaza. Well, yes...but we broke it up with a leisurely dinner, so our ride back counted as a second 2 miler.


  1. Right on, Gordon! Makes me think about moving closer to town...

  2. You've got to be two miles from something worthwhile.

  3. If you live in McKinleyville, almost everything is within two miles. Visit the TWO MILE CHALLENGE.

    If you live in Arcata, there are probably even more destinations within two miles.

  4. Terrific link, Jack. Wow!

    I went right to my three or four favorite destinations...


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