Friday, March 6, 2009

Bring Hollis Hawthorne home


Bicycle Dancing



Hollis Hawthorne of Bay Area Derailleurs, a San Francisco's bicycle-dance troupe, sustained major head injuries in a motorcycle accident and is in a coma--in India. Like so many Americans, she couldn't afford either health or travel insurance. Stanford Medical Center has agreed to help her. I's up to Holly's friends and fans (me!) to raise the $200,000+ she will need for medical transport from India.

We're 30% of the way there and Holly is off the respirator.

Want to help (I did)? Here's the link.


  1. Thanks for spreading the word!
    Inch by inch is a cinch.

  2. I plan to go to the event at Slim's this upcoming week. It's great to see such a fundraiser taking off with the cycling and online community.
    Nice blog, I'll be visiting often :)

  3. Meligrosa,

    Slims would be a 600 mile RT for me, so I won't be able to make it. But keep me posted. I'll post your update and photos here.

    Meanwhile, Dottie at   LET'S GO RIDE A BIKE has helped spread the word in Chicago. More to come...


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