Friday, March 13, 2009

Hollis Hawthorne update

A week ago, I sent info on Hollis to Dottie at Chicago's LET'S GO RIDE A BIKE. Today I found this on Friends of Hollis Hawthorne:
This is from Chicago. A burner named Absinthe.

"I heard about Hollis' accident from Clear and read about it on the
internet. I want to help get her home by donating 10% of profits from
my etsy store over the next month.
It's mostly girl stuff. But I'm going to try and get some guy stuff
up in the next week or so.

Featuring tribal clothing inspired by elf and fairy fashion as well as
by fashion in underground communities of artists and travelers.

"Etsy store?" I'm not sure what "a burner" is either but hey, elves and fairies are pitching in; a fundraiser is planned in Gerlach Nevada.

We can do this thing, people.


  1. That's great!! Cute clothes! Etsy is a fantastic website where people (mostly women, it seems to me) can sell fashions that they make.

  2. Somebody (not me) has to do something about bicycle fashion in this country. I have SO had it with the day-glo-candy-apple- 3 year old on a trike look. We'd get more people on bikes if they didn't feel obligated to clown out in order to ride.

    I'm mindful of the safety issues, but that's why God created flashers, right?

    So thanks for the fashion alert.


    Every day I learn something.

  3. Ever since my wife (Iris Schencke art blog link) ever-so diplomatically mentioned the fact that middle-aged men in spandex are a bit hard on the eyes, I've been casting about for a fashion solution.

    The Rivendell stuff doesn't glow in the dark, but wool is generally a no no in this damp coastal area.


Your comments are welcome. Please don't use this blog to drive traffic to a commercial website.