Tuesday, June 21, 2011


90% of California's oysters come from Arcata Bay and on Saturday, June 18, most of them were in the Arcata plaza. You want to arrive at 10 so you don't have to wait too long for this:

I saddled up around 9:30 and pressed on up Old Arcata Road past the Anvick turnouff.

And past the Anvick couch.

Oysters called to me, so I didn't stop to try out the couch. Later that day it had moved to a new home. As I got closer to town other riders appeared. The trick was to appear relaxed and casual while closing fast on Oyster central.

Maybe I should have left a bit earlier...

After eating a half dozen Arcata Oysters:

Other competitors and their bikes:

Our bill of rights in action. It's tested daily right here on the Arcata Plaza.

I parked discreetly on the sidewalk. To steal my bike a thief would have to cut down a tree on the plaza, a death penalty violation here in Arcata.

Beer + oysters usually leads to more beer.

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