Friday, December 10, 2010

Bike parking--Groningen, Holland

You'll see bike parking lots like this at every major Dutch railroad station. This one accommodates 10,000 bikes.

For my American readers: how many bikes can park at your railroad station (assuming you still have a railroad)?


  1. Hi Gordon, I came to respond to the message you left for me (below), and stayed to look at the bike park. Amazing and wonderful. Thank you.

    My response: I wouldn't dare try to fool you, Gordon. Not within the realm of possibility. And no danger of misconstruction with you either. I trust you to say what you think and love that aspect of your operation. I'm am glad you are my friend. And very pleased that you like my work.
    P.S. Also loved you at the Hanukah party speaking as a yenta.

  2. Who is Joan Gold, you ask?


  3. Thank you, Gordon. This must be my fifteen minutes.

  4. Janette,

    I'm jealous! Do you live there? It gets complicated when one must commute from California.


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